How to use abacus for class 3?

An abacus is an ancient mathematical device that dates back to 2700–2300 BCand has been in use since then. It works wonderfully for teaching kids numbers and math. Various mathematical concepts are reinforced with the help of the child's sensation of touch while learning maths through the abacus for class 3. It also makes learning thrilling and engaging fun for the students of class 3 thanks to the multicolored beads.

What is an abacus?

Abacus is a counting device that is made up of beads placed on wires and supported by frames. An abacus is primarily composed of a rectangular-shaped wooden rack with vertical rods. Each rod in the abacus has beads placed on it that are free to move up and down. Since an abacus can be used for counting, it is also known as a counting frame.

Each wire in an abacus represents a different place value; the wire closest to the user represents ones, the next wire represents fives, and so on. Abacus beads can be moved up and down to add, deduct, multiply, and divide numbers. Enrolling your kid in an abacus for class 3 course can help them do mathematical computations way more quickly and easily.

The place value of a digit is represented by the number of beads on a rod. For instance, the rod on the left may contain three beads, the rod to the right may have two beads, and so forth. The rightmost digit symbolizes units, progressing to hundreds, thousands, and above.

The abacus is wonderful because it can be used to teach more difficult arithmetic computations like multiplication and division as well as elementary math concepts like counting, adding, and subtraction. Even working with fractions and locating square and cube roots are possible with it. The abacus is a wonderful tool and can be used to teach a variety of math concepts this is why joining special classes on an abacus for class 3 by Swarnali Saha from Welcome2Maths can be greatly advantageous for your child in helping them solve math problems quickly in their head. You can look up the internet and search "Abacus classes near me" to find a good class to help you learn how to use this colorful tool.

Benefits of learning abacus for class 3

There are many benefits of learning abacus for class 3. You can enroll your child in an abacus class to help them learn abacus effectively. There are many good abacus classes available these days owing to the benefits of the abacus. You can simply type " abacus classes near me" to find a good abacus class near you. If you are still wondering if an abacus class will be beneficial for your children, you can check the benefits of learning abacus for class 3 given below:

Enhances counting abilities

The development of a child's counting abilities is one of the earliest advantages of learning the abacus. As already known, an abacus is an instrument for performing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. A youngster must be able to count to use an abacus. Using an abacus for class 3 can help children learn to count more quickly and precisely.

Promotes Mathematical Thought

An abacus is a gadget that encourages mathematical thought in children when it is used by them. Children can visualize mathematical ideas by using an abacus. This is due to the fact that an abacus for class 3 allows children to see the beads move, which aids in their understanding of the problem.

Facilitates Hand-Eye Coordination

A child uses their eyes and their hands synchronously when using an abacus. Thus, continuously practicing abacus in abacus class can help in enhancing the hand-eye coordination of the user. A child's hands and fingers get stronger from using an abacus as well. You can search " abacus classes near me" to help you find a good abacus class where you can practice the abacus effectively for this reason.

Ways to Use an Abacus for class 3:

Using abacus for class 3 for Addition

Abacus can be an entertaining tool for learning maths if you join a good class for learning it. You can search for " abacus classes near me" online to find good abacus institutions near you. Welcome2Maths is one of the top platforms for learning abacus in a fun and effective manner. An abacus can assist you in addition by dividing the issue into columns and going left to right, starting with the rightmost digit.

Assume you wish to add 1217 and 5597 on the abacus. You must first enter 1207 on the abacus by sliding 7 beads in the one's position, 1 bead in the tens place, 2 beads in the hundreds place, and 1 bead in the thousands place.

In an abacus, you begin adding from the left. The first two numbers you'll combine are ones and five from the thousands place. In the example given above, move the first bead from the top row of that column straight down to combine it with a five, then move the lower bead up for a full dozen.

Similarly, move the top beads to the hundred column position and one bead from the lowest row up to encourage a total of seven.

Because adding two numbers in the tens column will result in ten, you can carry a one to the hundredth place, resulting in an eight in this column. Then, set all the beads inside the tens place so that it is at zero.

7+7, which equals 14, can be found in one's column. You will therefore transfer the one to the tens place and make it one. Finally, the way to determine the solution is to count your beads. In this instance, there are six beads in the thousands column, eight in the hundred column, one bead in the tens column, and four beads in the one's column. So, on adding 1217+ 5597 in the abacus for class 3, the resulting answer would be 6814.

Using an abacus for Subtraction

Similar to addition, subtracting numbers using an abacus is fairly simple. Before working on the bottom row, you must complete the top row. To get the right answer, the abacus needs to be set up correctly. Following are the steps you can follow for subtracting using abacus:

You must put the subtraction indicator on the left side of the abacus if you're subtracting a value with five digits or fewer. The subtraction sign should be placed to the right of the abacus if you are subtracting a figure with six or more digits. Following this, you must place a smaller number and a higher number in the bottom row and top row of an abacus respectively by moving the beads away from the middle bar downwards towards you.

The next step involved in subtracting using an abacus is that you have to move all of your top-row beads till there is just one bead left before each numeral in your top row, then subtract two numbers of equal length. There should be five beads in front of the digit on the far left. Some of the beads in your top row will read negatively because of this. You can enroll in an abacus for class 3 classes to learn how to subtract using an abacus effectively.

Using an abacus for Multiplication

An abacus for class 3 can also be used for multiplying various numbers. For multiplying using the abacus, you can ask your child to enter 5 on the abacus 6 times to show how multiplication works. By doing this you can notice how the abacus depicts the number 5x6 as the number 5 taken 6 times. 

By multiplying using an abacus and recognizing the above point, you can understand the basic ideas behind multiplication instead of just memorizing the times table blindly. This understanding of mathematical concepts using an abacus can prove to be useful to you in higher classes. You can look up " abacus classes near me" to understand more maths concepts and to calculate math problems easily using the abacus.


Abacus is an excellent tool for helping you do mathematical computations easily and in an interesting way. Searching the internet for " abacus classes near me " for enrolling your child in it could help in developing your child's interest in maths while working with the colorful beads of the abacus.

Welcome2Maths by Swarnali Saha is one of the top maths learning platforms in India and also one of the leading providers of abacus classes for children of all classes. You can enroll your child in the abacus for class 3 course by Swarnali Saha, the founder of Welcome2Maths and a leading maths skills mentor in India for aiding your child in learning how to use the abacus effectively and in a fun way.







