Fast Calculation Practice- Top 6 Tricks You Must Know

Math is both a crucial and often feared subject, especially since it's a key component of many competitive exams. Its importance extends to everyday tasks, like quickly checking your change at a store or solving problems under time pressure during exams. This is where fast calculation practice becomes essential.

While knowing how to solve math problems is important, the ability to calculate quickly can be a game-changer. Fast calculation practice helps you develop the speed and accuracy needed in these situations, and it’s not as difficult to master as you might think. With a few simple tricks and regular fast calculation practice, you can significantly enhance your calculation speed and boost your confidence in tackling math challenges.

Top 6 Tricks for Fast Calculation Practice that you must know

Quick mathematical computation saves time and eliminates the need for calculators. In addition, doing fast calculation practice might help you maintain mental agility. Many mathematical tips and tricks are knowing which can help you become faster at calculations. Given below are the top 6 time-saving quick calculation tricks that you can use in a variety of circumstances to save you time:

  • Adding large numbers- Adding any two large numbers can seem difficult and a lengthy process but not when you know a trick for it. Let us take an example of adding two numbers 745 and 328 for fast calculation practice.

While adding these numbers as they are can be a bit tough, rounding them up makes adding them much easier. So, when you round up the numbers 745 becomes750, and 328 becomes 330. Since rounding the numbers makes the calculation much easier, you can quickly add 750 and 330, to get 1080. 

Now, to find the answer to the original question we assumed for fast calculation practice, you need to determine how much was added to the numbers to round them up. In this case, you added 5 to 745 to make it 750 and added 2 to 328 to make it 330. Now you simply need to add those two numbers and subtract them to the sum of the rounded figure and you will get your answer! 

In this case, now first (5+2 = 7) then do the subtraction. so the answer is 1080 - 7= 1073. You can use this trick to add any large numbers for fast calculation practice. Like this method many more methods of Long Addition you will get in Master Calculation Course.

  • Subtracting from 1,000- Subtracting numbers often feels like a hard task especially when you need to subtract a number from a number ending with many zeroes like 1000. There is a simple subtraction trick that you can use for fast calculation practice of any subtraction question. All you need to do to quickly subtract a number from 1000 is to subtract all the digits except the last one from 9. The last digit has to be subtracted from 10.

Let us take a random example of fast calculation practice using this trick. Say that you need to subtract 739 from 1000. In this case You can use All from 9 and last from 10 method an interesting method of Mental Math. Here You will have to subtract 7 from 9 which is equal to 2. Then subtract 3 from 9 which gives you 6. Finally, subtract 9 from 10 which is equal to 1. The answer in this case is 261.You must use this trick when you sit for fast calculation practice the next time!

 By following just these steps, you can easily subtract any number from 1000. Not only that you can apply this method in many other cases too. In Master Calculation Course you will learn many more interesting methods like All from 9 and last from 10đŸ˜€.

  • Fast calculation practice trick for finding percentages- Finding a percentage of a number can be tricky sometimes. However, if you are aware of this calculation trick, finding a percentage of any number becomes so much easier and faster. Let us find the 5% of 823 for fast calculation practice.

The first step involved in finding out the 5% of 822 is shifting the decimal point of the number by one place. So, the number would be 82.2 here. In the next step, you simply need to divide this number by 2 (82.2/2) to find the given percentage.

So, the answer to 5% of 822 is 41.1 (half of 82.2). You can practice this calculation tricks to easily find percentages.

  • Multiplication trick for numbers that end in zero-

  • Multiplying two large numbers can be hard but not when they end in zeroes. You can simply multiply two large numbers that end in zeroes by multiplying the numbers except zero and then adding the zeroes to the obtained number. This trick for fast calculation practice is very simple and it will not take any time for you to learn it.

Let us multiply 300 and 700 for fast calculation practice. The first step involved in multiplying these numbers is separating the zeroes from the numbers. In this example, you would get 3 and 7, and four zeroes. Now, multiply 3 and 7 (3x7= 21) and add the four zeroes at the end of it. So, your answer is 2,10,000. You can take any two numbers and try multiplying them quickly in your head using this trick for fast calculation practice.

  • Fast calculation practice trick for finding Squares Of Numbers Ending In 5 

Let us say you need to determine the square of the number 85. You just have to follow some tricks and you will be able to easily find the square of 85 quickly. 

The first step involved in this calculation is finding the square of 5 which equals 25. This 25 will be the ending digits of your answer.

In the second step of this trick, take the first digit of the number i.e, 8, and multiply it with a number that comes after it. So, you will have to multiply 8 and 9 which is equal to 72. This number will be the first two digits of your answer. 

Now, simply put together the numbers obtained after the first and second steps respectively and you will get your answer. In this case, your answer would be 7225. Seems easy right? You can easily calculate the square of any number ending in 5 by following this trick for fast calculation practice.

  • Squaring Two-digit Numbers

Squaring any two-digit number can be simplified by using a fast calculation trick called vertically and crosswise. Let me give you an example to make it clearer.

Let’s say we want to square 38

  • Write the unit digit as the unit digit of square of 8.
  • So, square of 8 is 64, keep 4 in units place and take 6 carry
  • Now multiply 8 by 3 twice & add carry to it⇒ (2 x 8 x 3)+6 = 54
  • Now keep 4 at tens place and take 5 carry
  • Now, square 3 and add the carry 5. (9+5) You get 14.
  • You answer is 1444.

 Your square is done. You can easily calculate the square of any 2-digit number by following this method.


Fast calculation practice can save you a lot of time! Some many mathematical tips and tricks can make fast calculations easy for you. With some practice and the knowledge of these tricks, you can save yourself a lot of time in competitive exams or in any other normal situations that require quick calculating. If you want to learn more maths tricks for fast calculation practice, enrolling yourself in the special maths courses by Swarnali Saha, the founder of Welcome 2 Maths can be helpful for you!

Welcome 2 Maths is one of the top platforms in India for learning maths skills such as fast calculation practice and many more. Enroll in our courses and become fast at calculations in no time!







